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Local Statistics
& Demographics for
White Plains, New York​

  • The total population of White Plains: 59,526​

  • Hispanic or Latino descent population is 30% (18,269 people as of July 1st, 2022)​

  • Citizens make up 85% of the population (15%  are non-citizens) : 50,597 citizens (8,929 are non-citizens)​

  • Estimated poverty level is at 8.4% :​ 5,000 people ​

  • Westchester County expects thousands of more migrants to be disbursed to the area over time.

  • As of September 2023 Migrants are housed in White Plains, Yonkers, and Ardsley,​


Source: ​

The Examiner News, Westchester News 12, Lohud, White Plains CNR​
Daily Voice, Patch, NY Post, United States Census Bureau , Data USA, Data Commons​



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